-- Thoughts on data analysis, software
development and innovation management. Comments are welcome
Post 54
VIm, 20 years old
I would like to cite the 22nd pragmatic programming tip (Hunt and Thomas,
1999), which says:
"Use a single editor well. The editor should be an
extension of your hand; make sure your editor is configurable, extensible
and programmable"
VIm just turned 20!
It's wonderful news! VIm has been my choice for
extending my hand. Over time, the HJKL keys have become my
day-to-day user interface, and I'm really satisfied, despite I sometimes
mess up emails when editing on a web-based client :-)
Regardless that some say that
VI-VI-VI is the
Editor of the Beast, I believe it's a magnificent piece of art what
Bram Moolenaar released 20 years
ago, and I definitely stick with the beast.
I wonder if there's also a myth about it being coded in one weekend,
like Bill Joy's
best-known deed...
Although VIm was originally designed as a VI clone for the Amiga, it was
soon ported to other platforms and eventually grew to become the most
popular VI-compatible text editor. If you want to take a
brief look back at the history of VI and explore
some of the compelling technical features that continue to make VIm
relevant today, read
this article.
[Hunt and Thomas, 1999] A. Hunt and D. Thomas, "The Pragmatic Programmer:
From Journeyman to Master", Stoughton, MA, USA: Addison-Wesley
Professional, 1999.
Post 53
Natural Language Generator (NLG) released
I recall the tutorial that
Noah Smith gave at LxMLS about
Sequence Models
with much interest. Motivated and inspired by his explanation, today I
release a Natural Language Generator (NLG) based on n-gram Language Models
(see the CODE section).
Under the generative modelling paradigm, the history-based
model P(w_n|w_1,w_2,...,w_{n-1}) (see further analysis in the
NLG docs) may be
graphically represented by a finite-state machine/automaton such as
the Co-Occurrence Network (Mihalcea and Radev, 2011) that appears in
Alias, et al. (2008), see the figure below.
I find it self explanatory (a picture is worth a thousand words;
it's funny to put it this way from a language processing perspective).
Although it is limited by its first-order history (the NLG rather
generalises its topology), the tutorial did not show such a clear
representation of the model.
I especially enjoyed the complexity issues that were raised regarding
the length of the considered history (i.e., the order of the Markov
model): from the Bag-Of-Words (BOW) model with few parameters and strong
independence assumptions to the infinite-history-based model with a rich
expressive power to represent language. Prof. Smith
conducted an example experiment where he used a corpus of 2.8M words
of American political blog text to display how this expressive power can
learn and generate natural language. First,
he showed how a unigram model (i.e., a BOW) could not
produce anything that made any sense. Second, he showed how
a bigram model could only produce a few phrases with sense. The experiment
went on up to a 100-gram language model, which just copied text straight
from training instances. Imagine how the aforementioned graphical network
would look like in these scenarios, from a fully connected network of
words (i.e., unigrams) to a mesh of higher order grams.
He ended up discussing that in the past few years,
"webscale" n-gram models have become very popular because it's very hard
to beat them.
In this post I reproduce the experiment with the NLG using
"The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow", by Washington Irving, thanks to
the e-book
provided by Project Gutenberg (I could not find a more appropriate book
after Halloween).
What follows are some of the generated outputs:
Unigram model
"Ichabod who still purses his patched that crossed for it screech prisoner of seems beset of so Far on and into and sometimes a his roasting with in dead fly so as Dutch in To Tassel"
Bigram model
"But it were grunting in former times of the battle in the quietest places which last was found favor in with snow which he heard in a knot of doors of the fence Ichabod stole forth now came to look behind"
Trigram model
"As Ichabod jogged slowly on his haunches and unskilful rider that he was according to the lot of a snowy night With what wistful look did he shrink with curdling awe at the mention of the screech owl"
5-gram model
"About two hundred yards from the tree a small brook crossed the road and ran into a marshy and thickly wooded glen known by the name of the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow"
As it can be observed, as the model gains expressive power by means of its
increased order, it can generate more quality natural language
Finally, as it is customary, the source code organisation of the NLG
follows common FLOSS directives (such as src folder, doc, README, HACKING,
COPYING, etc.). It only depends externally on the Boost Iostreams Library
for tokenising text, and it makes use of the premake build script
generation tool. I hope you enjoy it.
[Mihalcea and Radev, 2011] R. Mihalcea and D. Radev, "Graph-based Natural
Language Processing and Information Retrieval", New York, NY, USA:
Cambridge University Press, 2011.
[Alias, et al., 2008] F. Alias, X. Sevillano, J. C. Socoro and X. Gonzalvo,
"Towards High-Quality Next-Generation Text-to-Speech Synthesis: A
Multidomain Approach by Automatic Domain Classification", IEEE TASLP, vol.
16, no. 7, pp. 1340-1354, Sep. 2008.
Post 52
Logistic Regression in Machine Learning
This week's work in the Stanford ml-class
has covered Logistic Regression (LR) and Regularisation in regression
models (both linear and logistic). I do believe
Prof. Ng when he states that LR is the most widely used
classification method in the world. A well-designed LR strategy is
determined to pass any test with flying colours, hence its renown
effectiveness. LR is full of wonders, most of which are grasped
in the lecture, but I would still like to review a few aspects that I think
deserve a deeper analysis.
First of all, I find that the philosophy of learning of the LR is of most
interest, and this is quite skimmed over in the lecture. Its
discriminative strategy modelling the boundaries among the classes
is shown, but maybe the contrast with its counterpart generative
strategies (such as Naive Bayes) would have made it more understandable,
like the
classification lecture
that Prof. Crammer
gave at LxMLS. I'm keen on seeing the reverse of the coin (or some
reasonable alternative) when learning (and teaching) something.
In other research fields
such as Natural Language Processing, LR is renamed to Maximum
Entropy, supporting that the distribution of the learnt model is
as uniform as possible
(hence with maximum entropy) given that it does not assume
anything beyond what is directly observed in the training data.
Moreover, I have also found lacking the notice of its origin, which
intended to symmetrically model the odds-ratio of a prediction, see
With regard to the multiclass generalisation with the One-Versus-All
strategy (as if it only was a dichotomic classifier like a Support Vector
Machine, coming soon), I particularly missed the Multinomial distribution,
which naturally integrates this multiclass requirement.
In addition, it gives
birth to the so called Multinomial Logistic Regression, generally used
in Computational Linguistics software suites like
LingPipe. What is more, their
implementation is based on the Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm
(Carpenter, 2008), which is a randomised online interpretation of the
classical gradient descent algorithm shown at ml-class.
One thing I've enjoyed is the tackling of complex problems with LR.
By complex I mean needing a hypothesis function more sophisticated
than a typical linear discriminant. The fun has been in discovering the need
of regularisation to prevent overfitting with such a new complex function
(which comes at a price). And
perhaps I would even have delved beyond the Tikhonov regularisation
to unearth
other methods like the Ridge Regression and the Lasso, i.e., LR with
Gaussian and Laplace priors on the parameters, respectively.
Finally, to see the behaviour of LR wrt the ideal boundary, let's follow
what was done in the LxMLS lab for classification, see
this guide. Let's conduct a
very controlled and simple experiment with two equally sized
instance groups coming from normal distributions representing
the two classes. Since the true
joint distributions P(X,Y) that generate
the data are thus known, the Bayes Optimal decision boundary can be
analytically calculated (Duda, et al., 2001). The simplest case occurs
when the features are statistically independent and each feature has
the same variance. Geometrically, this corresponds to the situation in
which the instances fall in equal-size hyperspherical clusters, and the
boundary hyperplane is the perpendicular bisector of the line linking
the means of the clusters. The figure below shows the Bayes Optimal
and the Decision Boundary obtained with LR superimposed on the
scatter plot of the data instances. As it can be observed, LR is
very close to the optimum boundary. Depending on the distributions that
generate the data (usually unknown), these boundaries may
differ more or less, but LR equally yields a highly effective solution.
The Octave code used to generate the figure is available
Note that the rest of the ml-class files need be present
along with the former.
[Carpenter, 2008] Carpenter, B., "Lazy Sparse Stochastic Gradient Descent
for Regularized Multinomial Logistic Regression", 2008.
[Duda, et al., 2001] Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E. and Stork, D.G., "Pattern
Classification", New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001, ISBN: 0-471-05669-3
Post 51
Linear regression in Machine Learning
Today is the deadline for submitting the first Review Questions of
Stanford's Machine Learning course,
which regard Linear Regression (LR) with one variable and Linear Algebra.
I enrolled late this week and my experience with it has been very exciting.
Andrew Ng
has an outstanding ability to teach, and the lectures are
most understandable with the digital board. But I'm a bit confused
wrt the intended audience, because the gradient descent
algorithm is presented along with the basic matrix operations (in a sense,
the former is taught at 4th year of engineering while the latter at 1st
Anyhow, the course seems great. Nevertheless, maybe I would prefer
presenting certain topics as natural
evolutions of evident problems, and provide alternative ways to solve
a particular problem in order to avoid method idealisms.
For example, after the
LR problem is presented as an optimisation problem
with respect to half the Mean Squared Error criterion, I would emphasise
the general form of this cost function to ease the transition
to other methods (e.g., the negative corpus log-likelihood for the
Logistic Regression, to come on October 24th - 30th). Then, the
solution of this optimisation problem could first be set in closed-form (by
solving the null derivative equation). But in face of its apparent
difficulty, numeric methods would then be well regarded. In this sense, the
Gradient Descent (GD) is one possible solution, but others like the
Nelder-Mead method or Genetic Algorithms could also work well.
Finally, the batch GD algorithm is noted as a pitfall for speed,
discussing a fancy learning rate and skimming over the stopping criterion.
Hence, online GD algorithms like the sequentiality assumption
of the Least Mean Square rule (aka Widrow-Hoff rule) or the random
learning pattern of the Stochastic GD could be of help
here. Although they sometimes lack a bit of accuracy because of the
single-sample approximation (see the
figure below), their use is a must for real-time processing environments.
The Octave code used to generate the above regressions is available
for the batch version, and
here for the online version.
Post 50
(Click here to enlarge)
Star Wars, Machine Learning and Linux: an Eternal Golden Braid (and
yes, I'm also fond of Douglas R. Hofstadter's book).
I guess I just wondered how Randall Munroe (xkcd),
Jorge Cham (PhD Comics) or Scott Adams (Dilbert) felt like after
publishing one of their terrific comic strips. I did by best.
Post 49
LxMLS retrospective
The 1st Lisbon Machine Learning School
was warmly received and ended this week in complete success.
The summer school has had many engaging qualities, not the least of which
has been its magnificent set-up, just check out its
Over 200+ applications, 130 candidates, most of whom were PhD students,
enjoyed such a comprehensive program oriented to statistical natural
language processing. All the materials, including
the slides, lab docs and code (in Python), are available at
Although the banner of the school shows a skew toward the web, I guess
it's only a matter of adding a little
NLTK clean_html
to be just right :-)
Post 48
Textual media is missed in multimedia
This week, La Salle has hosted the IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia and Expo
(ICME 2011). As a volunteer I can
state that it has been a great experience being involved in its
development. Especially if one is somewhat interested in image and
audio processing. Nevertheless, one thing I generally miss in multimedia
is its dismissal of the textual media. Despite the insistent reference
to text in other fields when regarding multimedia (such as Dan Schonfeld
and Li Deng, guest editors of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol.
28, n. 4, July 2011), there have been very few
accepted works
in the conference that have considered some textual issue.
Although text is well available from
images (OCR) as well as from speech (transcription via ASR), it is often
ignored as a value-added feature. I even seldom hear that text is
becoming sort of old-fashioned among the trendy media. But IMO, some
of the most difficult problems in human interaction still stem in the
machine comprehension of natural language (see
The Loebner Prize in Artificial Intelligence),
and until an acceptable rate may be achieved in this regard,
text and hence Natural Language Processing are
determined to be present in original research. This is my silly rant about
the conference, which I deeply regret because overall it has been
Post 47
Past Friday, July the 1st, I could enjoy the last day of the 10th Free
Software Symposium
(Jornades de Programari Lliure,
JPL, in Catalan), which was held at UPC, Barcelona. In the morning,
Prof. Arcadi Oliveres and Prof. Joan Tugores gave an overview of the
economic and social impact of new technologies, trying to establish
links with the free and proprietary software models. Prof. Oliveres
overtly discussed that the lack of information that arrives from the
non-independent mass media makes people live a lie. In the same line,
Prof. Tugores generalised that the more uneven is a society, the fewer
are the business/economic groups that share the power to make (big
scale) decisions, and the more easily influenced they are to private
(and sometimes dishonest) interests. That reminded me of the
Builderberg Group altogether, and Uncle Ben with the
often-quoted Spider-Man theme of "with great power comes
great responsibility".
A debate followed to discuss the social, economic and political impact
of free software. Among the many interesting topics that were treated,
it surprised me an analogy of the Anonymous' deeds with a former hacker
group named CCC (I didn't jot down what the acronym stands for, though),
which revealed some sensitive information that the USSR had hidden and
prevented the 4 reactors of the Chernobyl nuclear plant from beginning
a fusion chain reaction. God bless those hackers!
Similarly, the speakers raised
the interest of monopolies in the spreading of software piracy, which is
used as a "drug" to retain users. There was also a reference to some
study that shows that piracy actually does not harm authors. So what's
the fuss about piracy in the end? By the way, the SGAE has just been
prosecuted for embezzlement of funds (see
this and
In the afternoon, a series of technical presentations followed. Pere
Urbon introduced NoSQL, which are unstructured DBMSs that
relax the ACID properties. He pointed out their ability to scale
horizontally and their ease of replicability and distribution, at the
expense of weaker consistency. Next, Albert Astols presented the modus
operandi of the KDE translator community, with all the details about
the .pot files and their management. Marc Palol followed with cloud
computing as the future new paradigm of FLOSS communities. He centred
his speech around Hadoop (the free implementation of Google's MapReduce)
as an example of distributed computing platform. Finally, Israel Ferrer
talked about the greatnesses of Android wrt former mobile
platforms like JavaME, but admitted its excessive fragmentation with so
many official releases and the device manufacturer's own refinements. I did
find the Intents
(abstract descriptions of operations to be performed) ability very
ingenious, though.
Post 46
Robotics at La Salle with Prof. Chris Rogers
Professor Chris Rogers, from
Tufts University, gave a speech promoting creativity and innovation with
pre-college engineering education, a kind of mirror talk wrt
his probably more
renown Talk at
Google entitled "LEGO Engineering: From Kindergarten to College".
Although I've traditionally been more keen on using Meccano (it's more
heavy metal), I must
admit that LEGO is astonishing (it's lighter and it doesn't oxidise),
especially regarding the more "technical track"
available with the use of the NXT microcontroller. Truly enticing.
Prof. Rogers makes use of robotics (as an integrating engineering
field) to teach a wide range of students considering the level of
their school science subjects. Indeed,
a Segway built out of LEGO pieces
is a remarkable feat of engineering by itself, with all the control
theory underneath. And this might even go further, say,
if pneumatics had a role
in the play (despite not being considered in his speech, they are also
available from LEGO, with the compressors, pistons, valves and so on). Surely
we all remember studying the Industrial Revolution through the steam engine.
So it's like those beautiful
Stuart Models (long live
steampunk), in plastic, and with electronic
control to play with. It's amazing. Definitely,
microbotics is the new (geek)
hobby of the 21st century.
And always bear in mind that a Tux Droid
never dies!
Post 45
Free software needs free speech
I just wanted to echo
recent encouraging post to contribute to speech-related free software apps.
It discusses the benefits of contributing to such FLOSS applications, which
not only need good coders, but also big amounts of recorded speech data to
train the acoustic models.
The recordings requested a while ago
(see Post 36)
for Spanish are still being processed and no results are yet available.
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