Alexandre Trilla, PhD - Data Scientist | home publications


Papers (Peer Reviewed Journals and Conferences)

  • Trilla, A., and Mijatovic, N. "Unsupervised Pairwise Causal Discovery on Heterogeneous Data using Mutual Information Measures". In the Proc. of the 26th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2024, Oct., Barcelona, Spain. [link [arXiv] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Yiboe, O., Mijatovic, N., and Vitria, J. "Industrial-Grade Smart Troubleshooting through Causal Technical Language Processing: a Proof of Concept". In the 2nd Workshop on Causal Inference and Machine Learning in Practice at the KDD Conference, 2024, Aug., Barcelona, Spain. [link] [arXiv] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Rajendran, R., Yiboe, O., Possamai, Q., Mijatovic, N., and Vitria, J. "Industrial-Grade Time-Dependent Counterfactual Root Cause Analysis through the Unanticipated Point of Incipient Failure: a Proof of Concept". In the Causal Inference for Time Series Data Workshop at the 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2024, Jul., Barcelona, Spain. [link] [arXiv] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Mijatovic, N., and Vilasis-Cardona, X., "Unsupervised Probabilistic Anomaly Detection over Nominal Subsystem Events through a Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder", In the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, vol. 14 (1), 2023. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Mijatovic, N., and Vilasis-Cardona, X., "Towards Learning Causal Representations of Technical Word Embeddings for Smart Troubleshooting", In the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, vol. 13 (2), 2022. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Bob-Manuel, J., Lamoureux, B., and Vilasis-Cardona, X., "Integrated Multiple-Defect Detection and Evaluation of Rail Wheel Tread Images using Convolutional Neural Networks", In the International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, vol. 12 (1), 2021. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Miralles, D. and Fernandez, V., "Pushing Distributed Vibration Analysis to the Edge with a Low-Resolution Companding Autoencoder: Industrial IoT for PHM", In the Proc. of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2020. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Fernandez, V. and Cabre, X., "Enhancing Railway Pantograph Carbon Strip Prognostics with Data Blending through a Time-Delay Neural Network Ensemble", In the Proc. of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2020. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Janjua, F. and Bermejo, S., "Developing a Hybrid Expert/Data-Driven Health Index for Railway Axleboxes Using Auto-encoder Neural Networks", In the Proc. of the Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, 2019, May, Paris, France. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Dersin, P. and Cabre, X., "Estimating the Uncertainty of Brake Pad Prognostics for High-Speed Rail with a Neural Network Feature Ensemble", In the Proc. of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2018, Sep., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Cabre, X., "Determining the Equivalent Conicity for Railway Wheelset Maintenance with Deep Ensembles", In the Proc. of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2018, Sep., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. [link] [pdf]
  • Borrell, J., Coca, M., Fuerte, V., Gratacos, P., Sospedra, G. and Trilla, A., "Un cambio de paradigma en el planteamiento y ejecucion del Plan de Mantenimiento: paso de la estrategia tradicional a otra dinamica, In the 6th Conference of the Spanish Society for Maintenance, pp. 1-10, 2017, Mar., Tarragona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Gratacos, P., "Maintenance of bogie components through vibration inspection with intelligent wireless sensors: a case-study of axle-boxes and wheel-sets using the Empirical Mode Decomposition technique", In the Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 230, issue 5, pp. 1408-1414, Jul., 2016. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Gratacos, P., Guinart, D., Alessi, A. and Lamoureux, B., "Health assessment of traction-motor blowers regarding their deformation degradation", In the Proc. of the Third European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, pp. 712-718, 2016, Jul., Bilbao, Spain. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Coca, M., "New tools for predictive maintenance of railway vehicles taking advantage of IT", In the Maintenance magazine of the Spanish Society for Maintenance, BCNRail 2013 conference, pp. 20-22, 2013, Nov., Barcelona, Spain. (in Spanish) [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Gratacos, P., "Condition Based Maintenance On Board", In the Chemical Engineering Transactions Journal, vol. 33, pp. 733-738, Sep., 2013. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Alias, F., "Sentence-based Sentiment Analysis for Expressive Text-to-Speech", In IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 21 (2), pp. 223-233, Feb., 2013. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Alias, F., "Three-class Sentiment Analysis adapted to short texts", In the XXVIII Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing, 2012, Sep., Castellon, Spain. [pdf]
  • Lozano, I., Trilla, A. and Alias, F., "Spanish JavaSimLib: a tool to compute the semantic similarity between words in Spanish", In the XXVIII Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing, 2012, Sep., Castellon, Spain. (in Spanish) [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Alias, F., "Sentiment Analysis of Twitter messages based on Multinomial Naive Bayes", In the XXVIII Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing -- Workshop on Sentiment Analysis, 2012, Sep., Castellon, Spain. [pdf]
  • Alias, F., Socoro, J. C., Iriondo, I., Formiga, L. and Trilla, A., "Application of automatic speech generation techniques for audiovisual production", Quaderns del CAC, n. 37, Dec., 2011 (in Catalan) [pdf]
  • Formiga, Ll., Trilla, A., Alias, F., Iriondo, I. and Socoro, J.C., "Adaptation of the URL-TTS system to the 2010 Albayzin Evaluation Campaign", In Proc. of VI Jornadas en Tecnologia del Habla, pp. 363-370, 2010, Nov., Vigo, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., Alias, F. and Lozano, I., "Text classification of domain-styled text and sentiment-styled text for expressive speech synthesis", In Proc. of VI Jornadas en Tecnologia del Habla, pp. 75-78, 2010, Nov., Vigo, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Alias, F., "Sentiment classification in English from sentence-level annotations of emotions regarding models of affect", In Proc. of the 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, pp. 516-519, 2009, Sep., Brighton, UK. [pdf]


  • Potential Impact of Causal Inference on Railway Predictive Maintenance. 8th Intelligent Maintenance Conference. Sep., 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland. [link]
  • Causal Inference for Railway Predictive Maintenance. 2nd Causal AI Conference. Sep., 2023, New York City, USA. [link]


  • Trilla, A., "Neural Approaches to Prognostics and Health Management of Rolling Stock", PhD Thesis, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2024, Barcelona, Spain. [link] [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., "Natural Language Processing techniques applied to speech technologies", Master's Thesis (Advanced Studies), Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., "Magnus: Mouse Advanced GNU Speech", Master's Thesis, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. (with honours) [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., "Sniffer: el seguidor de linies", Bachelor's Thesis, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2006, Barcelona, Spain. (in Catalan)


Discrete-Time Signal Processing

  • Trilla, A. and Sevillano, X., "Scilab tutorial oriented toward the Practice of Discrete-Time Signal Processing", 2010, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • ProcLib - Signal processing library for Scilab [tarball]
  • Trilla, A. and Sevillano, X., "Filter analysis and design", 2010, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Sevillano, X., "Sampling of continuous-time signals", 2010, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Sevillano, X., "Multirate Discrete-Time Signal Processing", 2010, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Sevillano, X., "Discrete Fourier Transform", 2010, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A. and Sevillano, X., "Noise cancellation with adaptive filtering", 2010, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]


  • Open-source code repository - GitHub account [link]


  • Lab rat in the fediverse [link]
  • Artificial Intelligence, A Maker's Approach [link]
  • Thoughts on data analysis, software development and innovation management [link]
  • Trilla, A., "A skim through HARK, a modular OSS system for robot audition", Working Presentation, 2011, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., "Enhanced Face Recognition", Working Paper, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2009, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., "Natural Language Processing techniques in Text-To-Speech synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition", Working Paper, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2009, Barcelona, Spain. [pdf]
  • Trilla, A., "Waiterbot: el robot cambrer", High School Project, Col.legi Episcopal Mare de Deu de l'Academia, 2002, Lleida, Spain. (in Catalan) [pdf] [pic] [pic]

All contents © Alexandre Trilla 2008-2024