Alexandre Trilla, PhD - Data Scientist | home publications


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Post 48

Textual media is missed in multimedia


This week, La Salle has hosted the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2011). As a volunteer I can state that it has been a great experience being involved in its development. Especially if one is somewhat interested in image and audio processing. Nevertheless, one thing I generally miss in multimedia is its dismissal of the textual media. Despite the insistent reference to text in other fields when regarding multimedia (such as Dan Schonfeld and Li Deng, guest editors of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 28, n. 4, July 2011), there have been very few accepted works in the conference that have considered some textual issue. Although text is well available from images (OCR) as well as from speech (transcription via ASR), it is often ignored as a value-added feature. I even seldom hear that text is becoming sort of old-fashioned among the trendy media. But IMO, some of the most difficult problems in human interaction still stem in the machine comprehension of natural language (see The Loebner Prize in Artificial Intelligence), and until an acceptable rate may be achieved in this regard, text and hence Natural Language Processing are determined to be present in original research. This is my silly rant about the conference, which I deeply regret because overall it has been tremendous.

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